The Radiology Department of PGMI/HMC was established in the year 1997. This Department since its inception has been providing services to the patients.
Our Radiology Department provides a comprehensive range of imaging services, including both routine and specialized procedures. The Clinical Imaging Services at the Hayatabad Medical Complex offer a wide range of diagnostic services such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), Ultrasound and X-Rays. Our facilities are modern, furnished with the latest technology and equipment.
The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) certifies our Clinical Imaging Services. The PNRA operates under the regulatory requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and conducts regular audits and inspections for quality assurance and radiation safety.
Our highly trained and experienced team of consultant radiologists, clinical imaging technicians ensure that the images are properly taken and interpreted to give you fast and accurate results. Some of our services are offered round the clock not just for our admitted patients (inpatients) but also for patients visiting OPD (outpatients) as well as those patients referred by physicians from other hospitals.
We have a picture archiving and communication system (PACS). This system allows digital images to be viewed immediately upon completion of an examination, which significantly reduces reporting turnaround times.
The ultrasound section at the Radiology Department of Hayatabad Medical Complex offers state-of-the-art patient services in ultrasound.
Both acute as well as non-emergent X-Ray examinations are carried out in our department.
Digital Mammography and tomosynthesis
Digital mammography and tomosynthesis is a very important part of our breast imaging section offering screening, diagnostic and interventional services using various imaging modalities
CT Scan
We specialize in dedicated and advanced imaging including;
Cardiac CT and calcium scoring and coronary angiograms.
CT angiogram
Triphasic CT
CT Colonoscopy
We use state-of-the-art Ingenia 1.5 Tesla MRI machine at our Radiology Department, Hayatabad Medical Complex. We specialize in dedicated and advanced imaging modalities including;
- Cardiac MRI
- Diffusion-weighted whole body
- MR spectroscopy
- MRI breast
- Multiparametric prostate MRI
- MR angiography.
- Musculoskeletal MRI
- Hepatobiliary imaging
- MRI perfusion Imaging
- MR tractography
Radiology Department HMC is equipped with the Horizon DXA system is the latest in densitometry technology, but the dual energy X-ray does more than just measure bone density.
Single energy femur exam
Advanced Body Composition assessment
Radiology lectures are delivered to undergraduate students as part of their module system. Lectures are given according to the following theme
- 1. Chest normal radiological anatomy.
- 2. Chest pathologies on CXR, CT
- 3. MSK normal radiological anatomy
- 4. MSK basic pathologies
- 5. G.I.T anatomy on X-Ray, CT, MRI and ultrasound
- 6. G.U anatomy on ultrasound, CT and MRI
- 7. Head, neck anatomy on X-Ray, CTand MRI
- 8. Head and neck basic pathologies
1. How to read X-Ray Chest.
Topics:- i. X-ray Chest Anatomy
- ii. X-ray chest view and their importance
2. Interpretation of chest pathology in X-ray chest.
Topics:- i. Infective pathologies
- ii. Malignant pathologies
3. X-ray Abdomen/imaging of muscle and skeletal
Topics:- i. Anatomy of abdominal X-ray
- ii. Pathologies of abdominal X-ray
- iii. Anatomy of MSK X-rays
- iv. Pathologies of MSK on X-rays
4. Neuroimaging CT and MRI
Topics:- i. Anatomy of CT brain and MRI brain
- ii. Basic pathologies of CT and MRI brain
5. Ultrasound imaging of Abdomen
Topics:- i. Interpretation of Abdominal/ Obs-Gynae / Doppler ultrasound
Learning objectives for undergraduate students of KGMC
The students will be:
- Able to select/order the required radiological examination correctly
- Identify gross abnormalities in the films
- List indications and advantages of modern techniques
- Recognize major abdominal viscera and their imaging characters
Required Radiological Examinations and abnormalities
- Plain Radiography
- Chest
- Normal anatomy and projections
- Pneumothorax
- Pneumonia
- Effusion
- Cardiomegaly
- Pulmonary edema
- Fractures
- Surgical emphysema
- Neoplastic diseases
- Chronic inflammatory disease(TB)
- Normal anatomy and projections
- Fracture
- Lytic and sclerotic lesion
- Calcifications
- Pituitary fossa
- Paranasal sinuses
- Normal anatomy and projections
- Renal and urinary tract stones, gallstones and other calcifications
- Fluid levels( intestinal obstruction)
- Free gas under diaphragm( perforation)
- Enlarged liber and spleen
- Normal anatomy and projections
- Disc space reduction
- Vertebral collapse
- To recognize changes due to rickets
- Appreciate fractures in children and adults
- To understand the importance of pain X-Rays in bone tumors
Barium studies single and double contrast( where applicable)
- Normal anatomy and various projections
- Gastric outlet obstruction
- Stomach mass/filling defect
- Esophageal outline/ strictures
- Intussusception
- Stricture
- Any filling defect
- Ulcerative colitis
- Intravenous Urograms
- Hydronephrosis and renal masses
- Micturating Cystourethrogram
- Vesicoureteric Reflux
- Echocardiogram : be able to interpret the report
Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic ResonanceImaging (MRI)
- To know the cross sectional anatomy
- Understand the principals of radiation safety in CT scan
- To know and understand the clinical indications and contraindications
- Be able to interpret the report
- Understand the indications and applications of ultrasound
- Is able to interpret the report of ultrasounds
Nuclear Medicine
- Understand the indications of nuclear studies
- Is able to understand the hazards of radionuclides and internalize the rules of radiation protection
- Is able to interpret the report
Following is the list of Faculty;
- Accounts
- Anatomy
- Anesthesia
- Audio Visual
- Biochemistry
- Cardiac Surgery
- CCTV Section
- Cleanness Section
- Clinical Skills Lab
- Community Medicine
- DEAN Office
- Deanery Postgraduate
- Dermatology
- Diagnostic Ophthalmology
- Electrophysiology Cardiology
- Endocrinology
- Establishment
- Finance
- Forensic Medicine
- Garden
- Gastroenterology
- General Cardiology
- Glaucoma
- Gynecology
- Hostel
- Interventional Cardiology
- Islamyat
- Library
- Medical Education
- Medical ICU
- Medicine
- Neonatology
- Nephrology
- Neurosurgery
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Dentistry
- Orthopedics and Spine Surgery
- Paediatrics
- Pakistan Studies
- Pathology
- Peads Cardiology
- Peads Ophthalmology
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
- Psychiatry
- Record Section
- Security
- Store
- Students Affairs Section
- Surgery
- Surgical ICU / Pulmonology
- Telephone Exchange
- Thoracic Surgery
- Transport
- Urology
- Vice Principal Office
- Vitreo-Retinal Ophthalmology