
All About

Hostel Facility - KGMC

Accommodation Facility at Khyber Girls Medical College, Peshawar

Provost: Dr. Nabila Sher
Warden: Miss Sadia Parveen
Assistant Warden:
Miss. Meamoona Amin

The students of KGMC come from both abroad and across Pakistan, so presently hostel facilities is provided in a rented hostel near the college with a capacity of 80 students. Pick and Drop facility is also provided by the college. 

For the construction of college's own hostel 30 Kanals Land has been purchased adjacent to the the college, and documentation has already been done  for its construction with  the relevant department.

        1.   Hostel Regulation (2010-11)
              Since residency in hostel is a privilege and not a right, therefore accommodation is offered to the deserving students subject to the availability of the Seats in the hostel.

  2.   Hostel Admission/Discipline 

  a) Students seeking admission in hostel shall apply for a seat to Provost on the prescribed form. 

  b) Only those students, who are on the roll of the college may be allowed admission in the hostel.
       Student may not be allowed to stay in hostel once they appear in the final Professional
       MBBS examination. However, the failed students who will appear in the supplementary
       Examination may formally request for allotment of seat in hostel, the seat may be allotted  subject to availability of accommodation and on extra payment  as per rule.


        c) Passport size photo to be affixed on the hostel admission form.

        d) The Warden of hostel on the bases of Merit/Seniority will allot the seat and the students shall
             come under the disciplinary/Supervision of the hostel management.

        e) A student who gets admission on the hostel shall occupy her room within 7 days. A student   
            who fails to turn up within this period will forfeit his right of admission.

         f) The Provost has the right to refuse admission in the hostel to student whose past record in the
             hostel is not satisfactory/favourable.

        g) No student will be allowed to change the room once allotted to her except with prior    
            permission of the Warden.

       h) No student will be allowed to keep extra furniture of the hostel.

       i)  No student will be allowed to change hostel except with permission of the Provost.

      j)  Resident will pay all the dues outstanding against her before she  leaves the hostel.

  k) Private food arrangement within the rooms is not allowed. No resident will overstay beyond
authorized period of academic session. In case of overstay of final year  student, she will  have to pay full proportional hostel charges such as Electricity, Room Rent, Gas charges and other hostel charges etc.


   3.   Common Room
  4.   Mess System.
        In the hostel there is a Mess Committee which is comprised of students from each academic
        session. The students collects mess fee on monthly basis, under the supervision of House

7.  Visitors,  Permission and Visiting Days & Time.
Visitors who are close relatives i.e Father, Mother, Sister, Brother or Uncle of the student  can meet in Visiting days  i.e on Saturday from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm and on Sunday from 8:00am to 8:00 pm.


8.   Medical Facilities.
        Hayatabad Medical Complex, the teaching hospital of the college is on walking distance from the hostel having all medical facilities The House Keeper will accompany the sick students to the hospital in college van. College van  is available for 24 hours in such occasions.

9.   Leave application & Complaint.
The student gets gate pass duly signed by the Warden/House Keeper before leaving the hostel.

10. Hostel Officials & Physical Verification and Audit.
 The hostel Clerk maintains all sorts of account books, stock register etc. He/She helps the
 Warden/House Keeper of the hostel and performs all sorts of clerical work including audit.

11. Hostel Security.

 Full time security is available to the hostel and students.

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Public Relations Officer

Dr. Anwar-Ul-Haq, Associate Professor &