All About
Department of Public Health

Prof. Raheelah Amin
Professor & Chairman Department of Community Medicine
Public Health is a discipline that has a broad scope it is population based, multidisciplinary and multisectoral which poses a challenge when developing a curriculum for public health as compared to other disciplines in medical education. Any course designed for Public Health must accommodate the multidisciplinary, intersectoral and community orientated nature of Public health which may be a daunting task However the public health framework consisting of three main domains and ten activities of public health can be used to organise of the wide scope of public health and set boundaries for public health practice and public health education(Fig 1). The three overlapping domains of public health are health improvement, health protection and health services. Research methods (epidemiology and biostatistics), ethics, and use of information are common to all these three domains and they are the core to public health. Health improvement includes health promotion and addressing the underlying determinants of health. Health protection include laws and regulations to protect and promote health, infectious disease control and prevention, disaster prevention, environmental and occupational health .Health services include healthcare systems and health policy ,quality of service delivery ,management of health care ,evidence based practice and health economics .This framework and the Pakistan Medical and Dental council competency based curriculum has guided the Department of Public Health at the Khyber Girls Medical College to develop the outline of the basic competencies required for our undergraduate and postgraduate public health program .This framework allows us to organise public health education in order to develop a competent workforce who will be able to deliver public health in challenging diverse settings.
Figure 1: Three domains and ten activities of Public Health
ThorpeA,GriffithsS,JewellT,AdsheadF.Thethreedomainsofpublichealth:an internationallyrelevantbasisforpublichealtheducation? PublicHealth (2008) 122(2):201–10.doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2007.05.013)
Current status
The Department of Public Health in Khyber Girls Medical College has till now followed traditional teaching and learning strategies as common methods of transfer of information, however the setting of standards by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council and the roll out of the integrated modular curriculum and has provided the Department with flexibility and opportunities to increase contact hours and implement best practice models for teaching and learning and assessment of public health. The current changes will also provide us with opportunities to improve research skills and practice in undergraduates and post graduates and develop a supportive environment for research within the institution
Mission and Vision and Goals of Department of Public Health Khyber Girls Medical College
The curriculum developed by our Department for the undergraduate and post graduate program aligns with the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Competencies for Undergraduate (2011) and the Higher Education Commission and College of Physicians and Surgeons (Pakistan)competencies for postgraduate public health programs.
The mission of the Department of Public Health at Khyber Girls Medical College is to promote and improve the health and wellbeing of the population and individuals through collaboration between public health and other health professions by actively encouraging education, research and delivery of effective and efficient health services and promoting health and preventing disease
Our vision is to lead and contribute to improving public health
Our Core Values
Health Equity
We believe that all individuals should live in an environment conducive to health irrespective of social group, have access to health information and literacy with opportunities to make healthy choices and equitable access to affordable health care.
We believe in maintaining high level of scientific and academic integrity and conducting research that respects and protects the rights of all study participants and creating a supporting environment that is conducive to students, faculty and staff
We pursue excellence in research, education, training activities and any services to society at large.
We celebrate diversity and acknowledge the wealth and richness that it brings to any forum, we strive to ensure that our graduates will be able to contribute effectively to the diverse public health workforce.
We are committed to multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration and are working towards fostering an environment conducive to collaboration.
Departmental Goals
Goal I: Provide excellence in public health educational program that will enable the undergraduate and post graduate to understand and address the multifaceted health needs of populations and individuals
- Maintain and enhance an academic program that is updated in knowledge, latest trends and best practices
- Prepare students who will be able to compete in public health and health professions employment market
Goal II: Address priority health needs by conducting quality research and disseminating the findings
- Promote interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and intersectoral research
- Produce and disseminate the new knowledge that contributes to health of individuals and communities
Goal III: Actively participate in delivering service to our college, our profession, individuals and communities
- Provide public health educational programs that are tailored to the workforce development need
- Provide professional service to the community
- Provide professional service to the medical college and teaching hospital