Research Publications of Clinical Sciences

  1. 101.   Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Pakistan; how to go about it. J Postgrad Med Inst Dec 2004; 18(4):701-7.
  2. 102.   Visceral Leishmaniasis (KALA AZAR): Presentation, Diagnosis and Response to therapy (An Experience of ten cases in adults). GJMS Jan-June 2004,vol 2,No.1
  3. 103.   A comparative clinical trial of artemether and quinine in Cerebral Malaria. Rawal Medical Journal vol.30 No.2, July-Dec 2005.
  4. 104.   Outcome of Hemodialysis in ARF due to Malaria. J Post grad Med Inst Jun 2006; 20(2): 135-8.
  5. 105.   Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) in Pakistan. . Gomal journal of medical sciences VOL 6 No.2 July-Dec, 2006.
  6. 106.   Outcomes of Pregnancy Related Acute Renal Failure. Rawal Med J July-Dec, 2008; 33(2): 189-92.
  7. 107.   Outcomes of Tenckhoff catheters in CAPD patients A Single Center experience. Paper Presentation at Urology Conference at Lahore April, 2009.
  8. 108.   Outcomes of Tenckhoff catheters in CAPD patients A Single Center experience. Rawal Med Journal. March-June, 2011; 36(2):125-128
  9. 109.   Outcome of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis in Khyber PukhtoonKhuwa and Adjoining areas of Afghanistan. Rawal Med Journal, 2012; 37(3): 277-281.
  10. 110.   Outcome &Complications of CAPD Tenckhoff’sCatheter in KPK, Pakistan adjoining area of Afghanistan. Indian Journal of PD, August-December2012 ;( 23):24-29
  11. 111.   Percutaneous renal biopsy in adults: experience of a single center. Rawal Med Journal: Vol.42.No.1, Jan-Mar.2017.
  12. 112.   Frequency of cytomegalovirus in post renal transplant patients: A single center experience. Rawal Medical Journal: 2018; 43(2): 224-226.
  13. 113.   A randomized controlled trial for effectiveness of zolpidem versus acupressure on sleep in Hemodialysis patients having chronic kidney disease–associated pruritus. Medicine (August, 2018) 97:31(e10764. DOI: 10.1097/MD0000000000010764
  14. 114.   Prevalence of Varicella Zoster Virus infection in Renal Transplant Recipients: A Single Center Study. Med. Forum, 52-54 vol.29.No.11:
  15. 115.   Prevalence of chronic kidney disease associated pruritus, and association with sleep quality among hemodialysis patients in Pakistan. PLOS ONE 13(11) e0207758 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0207758 November 29, 2018
  16. 116.   The association between CKD-associated pruritus and quality of life in patients undergoing hemodialysis in Pakistan. A STROBE complaint cross-sectional study. Medicine (2019) 98:36. P e16812 rm: 22 July 2019. DOI: 10.1097/MD 000000000016812
  17. 117.   Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis. JSMC 2019; 9(1):122-6.DOI: 10.52206/jsmc.2019.9.1
  18. 118.   Frequency of Vitamin D Deficiency among Patients with Newly Diagnosed Chronic Kidney Disease. JSMC 2019; 9(1):103-6.DOI:10.52206/jsmc.2019.9.1
  19. 119.   Renal Allograft Biopsy Findings in Live-related Renal Transplant Recipients. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2020; 31(02). 197-201. DOI:10.29271/jcpsp.2021.02.197. Impact Factor 1.022
  20. 120.   Effectiveness and safety profiling of zolpidem and acupressure in CKD associated pruritus an interventional study”. Medicine (2021) 100:21(e25995). DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000025995
  21. 121.   Outcomes of COVID-19 Infection in Renal Transplant Recipients. A Single Centre Experience. J Med Sci 2021 April; 29(2):84-87. DOI:10.52764/JM.
  22. 122.   Effectiveness of Sofosbuvir and Velpatasvir combination in Chronic Hepatitis C with Hemodialysis patients. P J M H S Vol.15,May 2021 (1205) DOI: 10.53350/pjmhs211551205
  23. 123.   Effectiveness of Natural Products in Erectile Dysfunction: Having No Other Choice. ISSRA Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 1(1), 9-12. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5545850. ).
  24. 124.   Frequency of BK-Virus in Post Renal Transplant Recipients: A Single Center Experience. ISSRA Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, ).
  25. 125.   Frequency of Neurological Complications among Patients with end stage Renal Disease on Hemodialysis. PJMHS Vol.8, No. 21, AUG, 2021 (1446).
  26. 126.   Health Related Quality Of Life Among Chronic Kidney Diseases Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis in Pakistan. Pak J Kidney Dis 2021 1; 5(4):100-104. DOI: 10.53778/pjkd54182
  27. 127.   Outcome of Acute Kidney Injuries following Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systemic Review in Nawaz Sharif Kidney Hospital, Swat. American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice.Vol.7, Issue-1, pp-11-17, 2022.
  28. 128.   Symptomatic Hyponatremia in a Patient with Hepatorenal Syndrome treated with Terlipressin. Pak J Kidney Dis 2022;6(1):13-16. DOI: 10.53778/pjkd61181.
  29. 129.   Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibody Disease with Normal Renal Function was discovered at the Miangul Abdul Haq Jahanzeb Kidney Hospital in Swat: A case Report Study. PJAMMR-Vol 02-Issue 02.July, 2022. DOI; 10.5281/zenodo.6954798.
  30. 130.   Frequency of Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in End Stage Renal Disease Patients on Hemodialysis. PJKD 2023; 7(1):13-16
  31. 131.   Association of Anemia with Parathyroid Hormone Levels and Other Factors in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Cross-Sectional, Real-World Data Study in Pakistan. Received 7 October 2022; Revised 12 December 2022; Accepted 9 January 2023; Published 13 February 2023. International Journal of Clinical Practice
  32. 132.    Problems in managing the outcome of posterior urethral valves at LRH Hospital. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S8), 6330–6335.
  33. 133.   Urinary Tract Infection Associated with the Increased Chronic Urothelial Inflammation A Multi-Center Study. Tob Regul Sci 2023; 9(1):1512-1517.
  34. 134.   Assessment of Quality of Life in UTI Infected Women's Need Development of Modern Therapeutic Interventions. Vol. VIII, No. II (Spring 2023). Global Pharmaceutical Sciences Review, VIII (II), 73-77.
  35. 135.   Afridi MH, Khan MN, Khan AM, Abbass, M, Ikram Q, Hassan J, Bibi K, Zaib S. Efficacy of Dapagliflozin & Metformin Vs Sitagliptin & Metformin in New patients with Type 2 Diabetics in HMC Hospital Peshawar. American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice.2022; 7(2): 29 - 33.
  36. 136.   Afridi MH, Khan MN, Khan AM, Abbass M, Khan MK., Gul W, Zaib S. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Receiving Metformin Therapy at HMC Hospital Peshawar. American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice. 2022; 7(7): 26 - 30.
  37. 137.   Afridi MH, Khan MN, Khan AM, Abbass M, Ali A, Gul W, zaib S. To determine Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus association in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients in HMC Hospital Peshawar. American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice.2022; 7(6):1 – 7.
  38. 138.   Khan A, Nowsherwan N, Abbass M, Ali A, Afridi H, Gul W, Zaib S.. C omparison of efficacy of combination of metformin plus modified-release gliclazide with combination of metformin plus sitagliptin in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus. American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice.2021; 6(5): 38 - 44.
  39. 139.   Afridi MH, Khan AM, Nowsherwan N, Abbass M, Ali A, Ikram Q, Zaib S. Active Smokers and the risk of type 2 diabetes Mellitus in urban and rural area of kpk. American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice. 2022:7(2): 24 - 28.
  40. 140.   Ali A, Abbas M, Nowsherwan, Khan A, Afridi H, Rehman S, Gul W, Muhammad I. Increased mortality associated with treatment of type 2 diabetes among covid-19 patients a single center study. American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice. 2021); 6(5): 1 – 9.
  41. 141.   Ahmad I, Kaifi HM, Ghaffar T, Javed A, Tahir H, Afridi MH. Adherence to Local Diabetic Dietary Guidelines, as Measured by a Validated Questionnaire, Predicts Glucose Management in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. . Tob Reg Sci. 2022;8(1):3559-3568
  42. 142.   Zeb S., Abbass M, Rabi F, Zaman A, Afridi M. H, Ali A. Patients with type 2 diabetes have a greater chance of developing cardiovascular and renal disease a observation-based study. International Journal of Health Sciences.2022; 6(S9): 4334–4340.
  43. 143.   Afridi MH, Ullah A, Ahmad I, Hasan SZ, Nowsherwan, Khan MA. Mucormycosis-Induced Maxillary Necrosis and Diabetes from NTH and HMC Hospitals in Peshawar. Tob Reg Sci 2022;8(1):3555-3558
  44. 144.   Aamir AH, Haq ZU, Mahar SA, Afridi H,et al. Diabetes Prevalence Survey of Pakistan (DPS-PAK): prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetes using HbA1c: a population-based survey from Pakistan. BMJ Open 2019; 9: e 025300.
  45. 145.   Jan A,Saeed M,Afridi MH, Khuda F, Shabbir M, Khan H, Ali S, Hassan M, Samiullah, Akbar R, Zakiullah. Association of HLA-B Gene Polymorphisms with Type 2 Diabetes in Pashtun Ethnic Population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. J Diabetes Res. 2021; 2021: 6669731.
  46. 146.   Basit A, Afridi MH, Nosherwan, Shah Zeb, Muhammad Abbas Khan, Shahid W.The Impact of Smoking on Symptoms and Treatment Outcomes of Patients in Diabetics. Tob Reg Sci 2023; 9(1):2050-2056
  47. 147.   Afridi MH, et al. A Study on the Effect of Exercise on Pulmonary Function in Type 2 Diabetes patients. Tob Reg Sci. 2023; 9(1):2057-2064.
  48. 148.   Zeb S, Abbass M, Rabi F, Zaman A., Afridi MH, Ali A. Patients with type 2 diabetes have a greater chance of developing cardiovascular and renal disease an observation-based study. International Journal of Health Sciences.2022; 6(S9):4334–4340.
  49. 149.   Shahsawar, Ibrahim UP, Uddin I, Nowsherwan, Ali A, Afridi H. Relationship Between Belly Fat and Cardiovascular Disease A Survey Based Study in Cardiology A Multi-Center Study.Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 2022; 16(10): 3671-3675.
  50. 150.   Afridi MH, Khan MN, Iqbal F, Shah A, Kifayat. Strong Association between Anemia and Diabetic Foot Ulcers (Dfus): A Single-Center Study. (2023). Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results.2023; 14(3):3666-3670.

Total Results: 2203