Research & Publications
- 1. Depletion Of Factor Eight(VIII) Level In Fresh Frozen Plasma After One Month Storage Journal Of Medical Sciences: 2018: Volume 26: No. 4: Page No 305307.
- 2. Pattern Of Hemoglobinopathies Rawal Medical Journal. 2018; On HPLC Among Patients 43(4): 623-626. Referred To Selected Centers In Peshawar, Pakistan
- 3. Average Level Of Factor VIII In Khyber Journal Of Medical Healthy Blood Donors Of Sciences. 2018; 11 (21=225-228. Peshawar
- 4. Biochemical, Hematological And Clinical Characteristics Of Patients with Dengue Fever In Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan Khyber Journal Of Medical Sciences. 2018; 11(3):467-470.
- 5. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B, C and HIV infection in healthy blood donors; A single center study in Peshawar. KJMS; May 2019;12; 2; 192-195
- 6. Frequency of leukocytosis in acute ischemic stroke. KJMS; May 2019; 12; 2; 309-313
- 7. Histoplasmosis: A Case Report; Junipper; July 2017; 5; 5