All About
- Application Form (BPS-17/Above, Teaching/Non-Teaching)
- Application Form (Non-Teaching Staff, BPS-16/Below)
- Result List - (Result of the Screening Test for the post of Demonstrator (Pathology ) Fixed pay held on 16-01-2018)
- Result List - (Screening Test Result for the Post of Computer Operator (Fixed Pay) held on 17-01-2018)
- Candidates List - (Call letter for screening test of the candidates applied for the post of Demonstrator Pathology)
- Test result list - (Screening Test Result for the Post of Demonstrator (Fixed Pay) Physiology)
- List of interview candidates - (List of Doctors qualified for interview to be held on 18/11/2017)
- Test result list - (Result of screening test for the post of Demonstrator BPS-17 (Fixed Pay) department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology)
- Test result list - (Test result for the post of Demonstrator deptt of Pharmacology)
- Interview List for Demonstrator - (Interview list for Demonstrator (Fixed Pay) department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology - KGMC)
- Result List for Demonstrator - (Screening test result for the post of Demonstrator (Fixed Pay) deptt of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology - KGMC)
- Advertisement 2 - 12-09-2017 - (Admission Notice - Post Graduate Courses in Basic Medical Science)
- M.Phil Admission Form - KGMC - Session 2017 - (Admission Notice - Post Graduate Courses in Basic Medical Science)
- M.Phil Affidavit - (Admission Notice - Post Graduate Courses in Basic Medical Science)
- Candidates List - (Selected Candidates for M.Phil/ DMJ program in KGMC)
- Candidates List - Junior Clerk - (Eligible and Ineligible Candidates List for the post of Junior Clerk)
- List of candidates - (Interview Notice - M.Phil/DMJ)
- Final Candidates List OBS/Gynae - (Final List for the post of Assistant Professor OBS/Gynae)
- Schedule Details' Files - (Schedule of Entry Test)
- List of candidates - Demonstrator Biochemistry - ( Entry Test Result for the Post of Demonstrator Biochemistry (Fixed Pay) held on 17.06.2017)
- Candidates List Asst Prof Surgery - (Working paper for the Post of Assistant Professor Surgery )
- 3rd Year MBBS Exam Date Sheet - (3rd and 4th year MBBS Exam Date Sheets 2017)
- 4th Year MBBS Exam Date Sheet - (3rd and 4th year MBBS Exam Date Sheets 2017)